Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Final piece: Magazine front cover

After talking to friends about how to improve our magazine front cover, as it appeared to be our weakest point, they told us to put more information and tag lines onto the cover to make it appear compact, with more information inside than the draft. Also, another criticism was to improve the layout of the cover, as well as adding on typical magazine front cover conventions, for example the strap lines and other images. As well as this, we decided to cut down on the amount of colours used, because along with the central cover image, it appeared too colourful and it was harder to be associated with the film poster. Therefore, it wouldn't have been as good at advertising 'Paranoia'. We also changed the title from 'Total Flicks' to just 'Flicks', as a few people told me it might stand out more to a reader.

The unique selling point illustrated on the front cover is that 'Flicks' is an exclusive magazine.